(A page from my life story Amy Book I.
Here are some other things you can include in a life story:
Time line
Important documents- significant letters, baptismal certificate, marriage certificate, etc.
Genealogy family group sheets, pedigree chart
Record answers to prayer or miracles.
Record courtship.
Gratitude for blessings
Common everyday things: Prices, popular songs, movie titles, first pushbutton phone, drive in movies, first cell phone, first time to buy a computer,
National, world, local news.
Facts about your life: school name, teachers names, your age, your typical daily schedule, your address and phone number, your weight
Write it now while details are still fresh and available.
If handwriting, use ink. One of my diaries fell in the washing machine once, and completely fell apart, but I can still read the ink.
Journal and life story are written for different reasons. Ezra Taft Benson- 10 pages on genealogy sheets. Spencer W. Kimball wrote 78 journals, and biography.
Its never too late to start keeping records. You will be glad for every word you write.
"I personally believe that the writing of personal and family histories will do more to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the fathers to the children than almost anything we can do. I am sure you will never turn your own children’s hearts more to you than you will by keeping a journal and writing your personal history. They will ultimately love to find out about your successes and your failures and your peculiarities. It will tell them a lot about themselves, too. They will get a great desire to raise a family of their own when they see what a great blessings they were to you."
Hartman Rector Jr.
"A birth certificate proves you were born, but a personal history proves that you really lived."
George D. Durrant
Thanks for letting me copy the pages I am on in your life history. How Blessed I am to have a sister like you:)