My Grandma Vinnie would be so proud! Her maiden name was Gardner, and she loved to garden.
I have never touched dirt in my life until now. And now I am finally trying to grow my own vegetables using Mel Bartholomew's book "All New Square Foot Gardening".
Wayne made a 4'x4' box in our front yard, and two 2'x4' boxes in our back yard. I planted marigolds (to keep the bugs away), bell peppers, cilantro, brussel sprouts, carrots, and radishes. Next I have to put up a trellis in the back yard and plant the tomato, cucumber, and squash plants that I bought. I figure even if we only produce a few edible vegetables this year, it will still be a good learning process.
I looked at this book on Amazon. It looks like the best way ever to create a garden. I wanted to do one this year, but can't get it together to do it. I was also interested in the book about lasagnae gardening, which is less tidy, but didn't need so much specialized stuff. I'm worm composting and want to find a good way to use my finished compost.