Thursday, January 13, 2011

Packer- "Easy times are in the past"

Wednesday, September 22 2010
Meridian Magazine article on Utah Valley Area Conference 

(corrected link)

Rock-Ribbed Faith
"In a recent talk broadcast to the stakes in Utah Valley, President Boyd K. Packer and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland had a special message for us. Elder Holland started by talking of the faith of the pioneers to do whatever they were asked. In a stirring narrative of the pioneers who dug out a pathway through the sheer rock passageway in south central Utah in order to fulfill their mission to colonize a particular area, he gave us an example of what he called "rock-ribbed" faith. "When you're called to go, you go." ....
When President Packer began to speak, he startled me to the soles of my feet by saying, "From now on it's going to be rougher than the pioneers had it." Though he and Elder Holland had not planned it, their talks built on each other, proving to me that they were inspired by the Spirit to give us the same message. "Easy times are in the past," he said. "Humbly confess to the Lord that you will do things His way. The days of the Hole in the Rock were easy times compared to what faces you."
These were very sobering talks, completely unlike a normal Stake Conference. The message that things are only going to get worse is not one you usually hear from the Brethren."

(The above words came straight from Meridian Magazine.  I tried to put them in a quote block but it crashed my computer, so I will just leave them as they are.  But I just wanted you to know that I didn't write them.)

1 comment:

  1. Why don't we ever hear things like that here? Our Stake Conferences seem mostly to be about missionary and temple work. I have such strong ties to family home in UT that it is hard to know which of the messages is for everyone and which are for me. I think hard times are coming, but am now more worried about a catastrophe in UT. What do you think?
