Thursday, April 29, 2010

Carlos is a Mission President

Every time I get the Church News, I look through the new mission presidents and new stake presidents to see if I know anyone. This time I was shocked to see an old friend from BYU as a new mission president in Mexico.

Carlos V. was a guy in our BYU ward who used to ask me out. And I used to say no. While I was still single, he came back to visit me just before he left on his mission, and we posed for a photo with his arm around me. I suppose he would have written to me during his mission if I had just encouraged him. (And of course I got engaged to Wayne right after that.)

Carlos is 49 now, and I never would have recognized his picture, except I remembered the name and kept staring at the face until I realized it was the same guy. How weird! He was just a funny guy, I never could have predicted he would be a mission president someday.

I told Wayne I made a mistake, I should have married Carlos.


  1. My uncle - Steve Baker - is also a new mission president in California.

  2. Trust me Amy, no one who sees up close what a mission president has to do actually wants to be a mission pres. or his wife. It is much better to just serve a couples mission---all the satisfaction, without being personally responsible for an army of 19 year old boys!
