Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mano writes a day by day account from Greece

(Note from Amy:  Today on CNBC, they were asking, "Will Greece be the new Lehman Brothers?".  In case you don't know, the collapse of Lehman Brothers was one of the reasons our economy tanked in 2008.  Greece's problems have the potential to do the same thing to the world economy this year.)


"As things have been heating up in Greece over the last several months, one of our readers has been keeping us abreast as to the goings on and the general sentiment of the Greek people. While European leaders like to downplay the seriousness of what’s happening on the ground, it’s clear that Greece is falling apart right before our eyes. This may very well be a prelude to what will be experienced in other nations who are on the brink of sovereign debt crises, insolvency and bankruptcy. That includes Spain, Portugal, Italy, Eastern European nations, and eventually the United States.
SHTFplan reader and long-time contributor Manos writes us from Greece. His tone over the last few weeks has shifted from concern to what can only be described as hopelessness as he watches his country being dismantled."

Read the article.  It is fascinating.

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