Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Internet fixed

The AT&T repairman came today to see what was wrong with our internet. He found out we have been using the wrong power cord for our modem, we don't know when it got switched, but it damaged the modem until it burned out completely on Monday.

So we have a new modem now, and the internet works great. Hallelujah!

I think having an iffy internet connection, which only worked once a day or sometimes not at all, was one of the worst disasters I lived through in the 7-Day Challenge. Who would have known even five years ago that my life would be so dependent on the internet?


Wayne bought his convertible silver 2007 Mustang a few months ago, from a couple here in Morrisville. I saw that man at the grocery store parking lot the other day, and he recognized me and talked to me. He said, "I couldn't stand it. Look at what I just bought." And he pointed to a red convertible 2008 Mustang in the parking lot. So I guess that guy is just as hooked on Mustangs as Wayne (Wayne has owned 4.)

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