Monday, September 6, 2010

"Primary Idol" for singing time

In our ward, our Primary chorister sent out this email, and I thought the idea was so cute I wanted to share it with everyone.

I am looking for one more male judge for our 3rd annual "Primary Idol" next week in during Primary. If you think your husband is game for it, could you please ask him and if he says "Yes! I would love to do it!", let me know and I will add him to the judges panel. Their job as a judge will be to listen to the primary children sing songs, critiquing their singing and give them a score between 1-10.

They would also need to come as a character of their choice. Past years we have had Captain Jack Sparrow, Holly Wood, Suposez--a friend of Moses who wandered with him for 40 years, and Ed Cowell--Simon Cowell's younger, less successful brother. We need a judge for both hours of Primary, but if your husband can only do it for one hour, we can find someone else to do it for the other. The kids (and adults) have a great time and your husband would become famous! At least famous in the Morrisville Ward.

I asked her if I could put it on my blog, and she said,

sure--I have the judges judge different things. One will judge reverence, another participation, another quality of singing and knowing the words, etc. I do this shortly before the Primary program so the kids will sing their best and I can get a true reading of how well they know the songs and which ones we need to focus on before the program in the Oct.

What a great idea!

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