Tuesday, November 2, 2010

She Got Up Off the Couch- Book Review

It was funny! It was sad! It made me remember my childhood in the 1960's and 1970's! What a great book!

She Got Up Off the Couch and Other Heroic Acts from Mooreland, Indiana, by Haven Kimmel.

She also wrote "A Girl Named Zippy". I will be reading that one as soon as possible, I can't wait!

Here are some of my favorite sentences and paragraphs from She Got Up Off the Couch.

"On the day of (Melinda's) wedding...I went limp as a rag doll and allowed myself to be manipulated. I was bathed,...I did as I was told. I moved and felt like a zombie, only without the flesh-eating joy that seems to drive zombies around neighborhoods like Jehovah's Witnesses." p. 55

(When mice fell out of the original high ceiling onto the new dropped ceiling.)

It was mice, and from the sound of it, about fifty of them....It sounded as if they were all getting off a big mouse bus, happy and friendly and looking forward to their vacation. p. 96

"Howard was old, too, but he was craggled and shambling and his nose looked as if it had melted and been reattached at the School for the Blind." p. 200

(Commenting on photos in the newspaper showing a couple's wedding photo alongside their 25th or 50th anniversary photo.)

This was a tradition I was highly against, because it was very disturbing....Oh, here we are when we were young and still had our own hair and both of our arms! And here we are now---the only thing keeping up upright for this picture is the fear we will land on our colostomy bags! p. 211

"She looked in general as if her husband had run off with both her best friend and her coonhound." p. 232.

1 comment:

  1. I loved A Girl Named Zippy! I will have to read this one too.
