Monday, March 14, 2011

Take That, Vinnie

I have a bad memory of my Grandma Vinnie.  One day our family was at my grandparents' house, and Grandma was making biscuits.  She could do it completely from memory, no recipe needed.  She was actually probably the best cook I have ever been around, but of course I never learned anything from her.  (I was a kid, I didn't care about any of that.)

My mother called her mother-in-law "Mom".  My mother said many times in my life, "All Mom ever does is cook."  This caused me, from the time I was young, to think of cooking as a waste of my time.  I didn't want to waste my life cooking the way my mother thought her mother-in-law wasted her life.

Back to the story.

When I was a young teenager at my Grandma's that day, watching her make biscuits, she asked me something about it, and I said I didn't know how to make biscuits, and had never done it before.

My Grandma was shocked and appalled, and made a big deal of the fact that I was so old and didn't even know how to make biscuits.  I also got the impression she was implying, "What a terrible mother you have, not teaching you to cook."

I was pretty embarrassed.  It didn't make me feel any closer to my Grandma, thats for sure.  I have felt bad about it ever since, like I didn't measure up.  And I REALLY didn't like the judgmental attitude she had towards my mom.

So, yesterday I made biscuits for the first time.  And Wayne and Zac pronounced them excellent, and want me to make them again.  So there.

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