Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Writing Life Stories #2

(Right: A page from my life story Amy Book I.)
Let me tell you some of the things I have learned from writing three different life stories, and from reading other people’s.

First, you need to use full names, at least the first time you mention the person, and their relationship to you. If you call your in-laws “Mom and Pop”, make sure you identify them correctly somewhere at the beginning.

Second, if you are writing your own or another person’s life story, identify who is writing it. If it is your own, say how old you are, at what stage of life, how many kids you have.

Third, it is easiest to write your life story chronologically. Some parts might do better written topically, with a different chapter for each topic, such as careers or hobbies. My friend Patti's dad wrote his topically, "What I learned about Character", "What I Learned about Honesty", etc.

(Wayne’s grandfather wrote his whole life story and it was just about his professional life, his career. He never once mentioned his wife. In my opinion, he needed a few more chapters entitled "Family". Duh!)

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