Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chocolate Chips, CERT, Ham radio, Baby Girl

Tonight, I am teaching at an evening Relief Society meeting at my ward.  I will be demonstrating how to vacuum seal M&Ms and Chocolate chips inside regular canning jars using a FoodSaver vacuum sealer and a jar sealer attachment.

And I am excited to be taking CERT training this weekend (thats Citizen Emergency Response Team).  I will let you know what I learned, it should be WAY out of my comfort zone.  I know for sure we will be learning about search and rescue and first aid, I think how to put out fires, and a bunch of other stuff.

Studying my Ham radio manual is not going so well.  Man! That is difficult stuff!  Frequency and UHF and VHF and AM and FM and transceivers and transponders and wavelength and range and repeaters and blah blah blah.  It goes right over my head.  I think an electrical engineering major would love it, though.  I think I am going to read the whole manual to see if I start understanding it, then reread it to see if any of it sticks.  I really want to become a Ham radio operator so I'm going to keep working on it.

Janette and Seth were told yesterday that they are going to have a GIRL!  I am excited.  We still have to find out about Rachel and Isaac's baby.  (Both daughters-in-laws are due in July.)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on getting your Ham license if you haven't already passed the test. Stay with it. Having a license opens up a new world of communications and may ultimately be essential in the survival or comfort of your family in an emergency.

    By the way ... most of our grandchildren have passed the test when they are eight. LOL....

    Your grandkids will have a great time participating in amateur radio with you, even if it is just watching grandma do her thing.
