Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vinnie's story: Rozilphia's death

I remember a particularly fascinating story my grandma Vinnie used to tell.

It seems that her grandmother, Rozilphia Stratton, lived in an old house that had once had a balcony on the second story.  For whatever reason, the balcony had been removed, but the door was still there.

Some relatives came to stay with Rozilphia, so she offered to stay in the bedroom upstairs and give them her ground-floor bedroom.  Rozilphia was an old woman, and maybe a little forgetful.  During the night, she had to use the outhouse, so she walked out the upstairs door and fell to her death.

There has been a lot of speculation about this story throughout my life.  How dumb was it to have a door that opened out to nothing?  It seems like someone could have nailed a board across it or something.  It really makes you wonder about people.

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