Monday, December 20, 2010

Conference Call, also Nature gone wild

Last night my siblings, parents and I had a one hour conference call, talking about emergency preparedness and food storage, and giving each other advice.  We are all very convinced of the urgency of this.

My sister set up the conference call on  She gave us the phone number, and the access code, and we just had to call at the specified time and start talking.  It was fun to have everyone on the line at once.

If there was something noisy going on at our house, we could press #6 and we would be muted, but could still hear.

It was free if you had free long distance.  Or it just cost whatever your long distance charge was.  The conference call set up was free.

Here is an interesting article that was on the Drudge Report this morning:

"2010's World Gone Wild: Quakes, Floods, Blizzards".  This article listed all the natural disasters of 2010. And of course, if you replace every time they wrote "caused by global warming" with "foretold by prophecy, happening as a precursor to the second coming"  then the article would be quite true.

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