Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sprouting Success, and Unidentified Vegetables

I posted awhile back about how my alfalfa seeds were not sprouting so I threw them away. Come to find out, those were some other kinds of sprouting seeds, not alfalfa. Nevertheless, they were still dead. (The can was labelled "Sprouting seeds 1996", I just assumed they were alfalfa seeds.)

When I finally found a can under the bed labelled "Alfalfa sprouting seeds 2009" and opened it, they were a completely different shape and size. I think the first can was mung beans or something weird like that.

To make alfalfa sprouts, you can use a variety of types of containers, but I bought a sprouting tray. The instructions were to soak the seeds for 12-24 hours, then spread them in the tray. Water them four times a day and drain the water off. Don't put them in direct sunlight.

Exactly 3 days after I first touched them, the sprouts were small and already delicious. Exactly 4 days after I first touched them, the sprouts were probably the right length, and delicious. Then I put them in the fridge. Maybe I could have let them grow one more day, but I didn't.

I am definitely a fan of alfalfa sprouts.

Now I have a weird story about my garden.

I had a can of 1996 garden seeds. I opened it last month, and planted various seeds. I was expecting nothing to grow, but lots of things did. The problem was, the water washed the seeds around and they sprouted in different places than where I had labelled them.

So I have 4-5 big plants that I really don't know what they are. I think they are cucumber vines. But the fruit was looking the size and shape of limes or kiwi fruits, and today when I looked at it, one looks like it is becoming a melon! I am completely baffled, since I didn't plant anything labelled "melons". I am wondering if the seed packets were labelled wrong.

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