Friday, September 3, 2010

New Air conditioner, Big fat caterpillar

Our downstairs air conditioner quit working, so SURPRISE! We got to pay $6200 for a whole system (a.c. and furnace).

I've been spending like mad on food storage and emergency preparedness items, I want to be all the way ready when the "7-day challenge" happens on FoodStorageMadeEasy. It was interesting to see the preparations being made on the Outer Banks this week for Hurricane Earl. Earl didn't hit them badly, so that is good.

Also, I was angry to see that all my tomato branches had their leaves and tomatoes all eaten off. I found a huge caterpillar eating it all, and I couldn't stand to squish it so I held a bucket under the caterpillar and cut the branch off so he and the branch fell in the bucket, and I threw him out in the road. I hope some car squished him.

And if you are wondering what was the mystery vegetable/fruit in my garden, they have turned out to be canteloupes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it was a tomato hornworm. Most people get them on their tomatoes. It is fine to kill them, but if you see little white egg looking things on them then I would leave it alone.

    (like this: )

    There is a beneficial wasp that can lay it's eggs in the worm. This will end up killing the worm, and it's a good wasp so you want the wasp eggs to be able to hatch.
