Monday, January 10, 2011

Guess who said it, and when

"At this particular moment in history the United States Constitution is definitely threatened and every citizen should know about it. The warning of this hour should resound through the corridors of every American institution…. 
Our Republic and Constitution are being destroyed while the enemies of freedom are being aided. How? In at least ten ways:
1. By diplomatic recognition and aid, trade and negotiations with the Communists. 

2. By disarmament of our military defenses. 

3. By destruction of our security laws and the promotion of atheism by decisions of the Supreme Court. 

4. By loss of sovereignty and solvency to international commitments and membership in world organizations. 

5. By undermining of local law enforcement agencies and Congressional investigation committees. 

6. By usurpations by the Executive and the Judicial branches of our Federal Government. 

7. By lawlessness in the name of civil rights. 

8. By staggering national debt with inflation and the corruption of the currency. 

9. By a multiplicity of executive orders and federal programs which greatly weaken local and state government. 

10. By the sacrificing of American manhood by engaging in wars we apparently have no intention of winning. "

(Ezra Taft Benson. Stand Up For Freedom. Assembly Hall at Temple Square, Feb 11, 1966. Given to The Forum for the American Idea)

Are you surprised?  To me, this could have been said this week, instead of 45 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Some food for thought concerning the possibility that things may not be all that bad:

    1) Trade with the communists was a huge part of what ended communism. We traded with the USSR and China, and both have moved far towards democracy and freedom, even if they still have a way to go. Meanwhile, we don't trade with Cuba or N. Korea, and they are still totalitarian hermit kingdoms. Trade may be the most effective way of spreading the ideals of freedom, by increasing the flow of wealth and information to the oppressed citizens of these countries.

    2) We still have BY FAR the biggest and most effective military in the world. No reason to go overboard, especially since that is one of the main factors contributing to our country's insolvency.

    3)We have more security laws now than EVER. Also, the first amendment says that the government shall make no laws concerning the establishment of religion. In a diverse country such as ours, the only way to FAIRLY legislate over so many conflicting belief systems is to make laws which are neutral to ALL of them. Atheists have just as much right to their viewpoint as Christians, Muslims, Druids, and Vodouisants, and to protest when they feel that they are being oppressed or forced to comply with religious teachings that go against their beliefs.

    7)The non-violent civil disobedience that was taking place in 1966 did not endager the constitution, it UPHELD it. The 14th amendment had been on the books for over a century, and was being partially or completely ignored by most of the country. I'm disappointed in the extreme that Ezra Taft Benson said something like this. To suggest that people should sit in silence and bear the aggression of immoral, unjust, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws is arrogant and, in the case of church members, hypocritical- considering that only a few decades had passed since the entire first presidency had been on the run for polygamy.

    Just trying to dispel some of the gloom and doom! :)
