Sunday, March 15, 2009

Black Sheep in the Family Tree

These are my Grandpa Hap's parents. This is Willie Mae Chambless and James Walter Stewart. Willie Mae was married with five (?) children, and ran away with J.W. and had six(?) more children with him. I'm sure it was a scandal in their town, and there were hard feelings from the children she abandoned. My grandpa Hap was their second son together.

I am really curious about these people and wish I could get to know them and find out their side of the story. (Yes, their temple work is done.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,
    I'm a friend of Patti Maxwell's--she gave me your blog address. If you've lived in Raleigh for awhile you probably know my brother, John Taggart, as well. Very interested in the content of your blog! The sisters in our stake in Cokeville, WY canned butter very successfully. I also have a friend who has made the pandemic her specialty. Feel free to visit my blog and pick up blogsites for others who are interested as well! Let's share info!!!
