Saturday, February 13, 2010

M & M Names

Patti and I were walking Tuesday morning, as we always do, and we started talking about my upcoming cruise. I said that I had recently watched a show about Rogue Waves, which wasn't a very smart thing to do (kind of like watching a slasher movie just before your family leaves and you have to sleep in your house for a week alone.)

Patti: "Remember 'The Poseiden Adventure'? That movie was about a rogue wave."

Me: "Yeah, that movie was big when we were in middle school/junior high age."

Patti: "I just loved that theme song...(proceeds to sing 'There's Got to Be a Morning After.....')"

Me: "Who sang that? Was it Marilyn Mc...."

Patti: "NO! Not Marilyn McCoo!" (She was the lead singer of the 5th Dimension. and sang Up,Up and Away in my Beautiful Balloon, One Less Bell to Answer, Age of Aquarius, Never My Love.)

Me: "Well, I know it started with an M, I think both names start with an M."

After thinking a minute, Me: "Maureen McGraw."

Patti: "No, No, NO! Maureen McCormick!"

Me, laughing: "No, she was Marcia on the Brady Bunch"

Patti: "No, she sang the Poseiden song"

Me: "No she didn't."

Both of us give up and start talking about something else.

About five minutes later, Me: "Maureen McGovern!"

Patti: "What are you talking about?"

Me: "Maureen McGovern! That's the woman that sang the Poseiden song. I knew it would come to me if I kept thinking about M names."

Thats a talent of mine. If I knew something once, I can usually remember it if I think about it long enough. And my brain will remember the letter it starts with, and I keep mulling that letter in my mind, and eventually the right answer will pop out.

If "Jeopardy" gave each contestant a half hour to answer each question, I could probably win a bundle.

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