Friday, July 8, 2011

Eating Dog Food

I went to BYU Education Week in 2007 and attended a class on teaching methods.  The woman told us about this so I did it at my seminary class that year as I taught about the Old Testament.

I was teaching about how the prophet Samuel chose David as the new king of Israel.  Men look upon the outward appearance, God looks on the heart.

I purchased a can of Alpo dog food, and a can of roast beef hash.  I carefully took the label off the Alpo and taped it over the can of hash.

During class, I took a can opener and opened the can, and started eating from it with a fork.  The students started screeching and telling me to stop eating it.  They could smell its meaty smell, and they saw me open the can, so what else could it be but dog food?

After annoying them for a minute or so, I finally removed the Alpo label and showed them it was really roast beef hash.  And we talked about how often we misjudge other people or situations because of our limited understanding.

When I see my old students from 2007-2008, that is one of the only things they remember about that year.  "I remember when you ate dog food!"

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