Monday, April 5, 2010

Quiz for General Conference

Every six months, I make a quiz from the Sunday session of General Conference for my seminary class. Here is the April 4, 2010 quiz. Remember, I was typing this quiz from live TV, so forgive me if the paraphrasing is not quite perfect. You can always wait until the transcripts come out on the internet or in the Ensign and correct anything that needs correcting.

Sunday conference session Apr. 4, 2010

Dieter Uchdorf, 2nd counselor First Presidency

1) Statue in a German city, damaged in WWII bombing. What was missing from the statue?

2)What was the offensive name the old members gave the new members who joined the church in Germany after WWII?
2a-carpet bagger Mormons
2b-line-up Mormons
2c-canned food Mormons
2d-little feet Mormons

Donald L. Hailstrom, Presidency of the Seventy

3)He contrasted two families. The first lost a 3a ______ and subsequently left the church.
The second lost a 3b_______ AND 3c________, but did not leave the church. Each family's decision of how they handled their loss influenced the next 4 generations of their family.

4) Pres. Hailstrom told the story of Simonds Ryder. In the early days of the church, Mr. Ryder left the church because
4a-his wife died
4b-he was offended by business dealings he had with Joseph Smith
4c-his cow died.
4d-his name was misspelled by Joseph Smith.

Cheryl C. Lant, General Primary pres released yesterday
5)We are the ________ that Heavenly Father has sent today to encircle the children.

Quentin L. Cook, Quorum of the Twelve
6) He talked about the tsunami in Samoa. He related it to us, He said to be saved we must run as fast as we can to seek the 6a____________.

Thomas S. Monson, President of the Church
7)He told about a painting of two women
7a-picking grain in a field.
7b-walking down a lane carrying milk pails
7c-mourning the loss of an unreturned fisherman
7d- fashionably dressed, sitting on a park bench.

8) President Monson received a letter from a father of a son named Jason, who was ill in the hospital. The father talked to Jason, whose eyes were closed."Please don't ever lose your testimony of Jesus Christ". Jason opened his eyes and said "__________!"
8c-You got it!
8d- I won't!

9) Jason's brother Kyle received his mission call just before Jason died. Showed a photo of the brothers together. The father wrote something on the photo. What did he write?
"Called to serve t_______ m_______ together, on b____ s______ of the v_____."

End of Morning session.

AFternoon session

Russell M. Nelson, Quorum of the Twelve
10) New Family Search is a step toward making one ______ for all of God's children.
10a- gospel plan
10b-family tree
10c-church building
10d-computer game

Robert D. Hales, Quorum of the Twelve
11) My grandson wanted me to go to a popular but inappropriate movie. I told him that
11a-he had disappointed me greatly.
11b-we would go get ice cream instead.
11c-we would see the movie after it came out on TV.
11d- I'm not old enough to see that movie.

12)My little grandson was snuggled up to me while I was reading the newspaper. Finally he pushed himself between the newspaper and me, and took my face in his hands and said,
12a-"Grandpa, are you in there?"
12b- "Grandpa, stop reading and start paying attention to me!"
12c- "Grandpa, lets go eat"
12d- "Grandpa, I have to go to the bathroom"

Bradley D. Foster of the Seventy
13) Little boy kept correcting his daddy when dad was reading him a story book without words. Said it was a coat, not a jacket, etc. Dad asked, “Why do you keep correcting me, this book has no words.” What did the little boy say? 13a

14) Calves kept getting lost on the cattle drive. Men tried to gather them up but the calves were too scared. What did the men do?
14a- Brought a truck to pick them up.
14b- Brought the calves' mothers to lead them.
14c- slaughtered them for meat.
14d-lassoed them and tied them up.

James B. Martino of the Seventy
15)After the boy threw a ball in the air many times and tried to bat it, he never hit it. He finally said,
15a-"Practice makes perfect"
15b- "I'm not cut out for baseball"
15c- "What a pitcher!"
15d-"I think I can, I think I can"

Gregory A. Schwitzer of the Seventy
16) He spoke about having good judgment. He said we often judge Martha because we hear that Martha loved doing housework instead of sitting and listening at feet of Christ. But he pointed out that we need to remember the other story about Martha in the New Testament. She also did this: 16a-

17)As a young physician, I was working the midnight shift at the emergency ward. A very unkempt couple came. I midjudged them. I later found out that
17a-they were very wealthy.
17b- they were leaders in their community in Haiti
17c-they had just been through a fire in their apartment.
17d- the husband loved the wife very much.

Elder Neil L. Anderson, Quorum of the Twelve
18) Bill Forest and Debbie Hutchins got married and had 7 children. Ten years ago today, what happened in their family?
18a-Their 8th and 9th children were born, twins with disabilities.
18b- Bill was killed in a car wreck.
18c- their house burned and three of their children were killed.
18d- their missionary son was shot and killed in France.


Dieter Uchdorf, 2nd counselor First Presidency
(It was a statue of Christ. The townspeople added a sign at the bottom, "We are his hands".)

2c-canned food Mormons
(The old members thought they joined the Church just because they were receiving free food from Church welfare services, and would fall away soon.)

Donald L. Hailstrom, Presidency of the Seventy

3) The first lost a 3a___ baby_____ and subsequently left the church.
The second lost a 3b__mother_____ AND 3c___twin babies_____, but did not leave the church.

4d-his name was misspelled by Joseph Smith.

Cheryl C. Lant, General Primary pres released yesterday

Quentin L. Cook, Quorum of the Twelve
6a__High Ground__________.

Thomas S. Monson, President of the Church
7c-mourning the loss of an unreturned fisherman
(Name of the painting "A Hopeless Dawn")


9) "Called to serve their missions together, on both sides of the veil."

End of Morning session.

AFternoon session

Russell M. Nelson, Quorum of the Twelve
10b-family tree

Robert D. Hales, Quorum of the Twelve
11d- I'm not old enough to see that movie.

12a-"Grandpa, are you in there?"

Bradley D. Foster of the Seventy
13a "Mommy told me"

14c- slaughtered them for meat. (Ha Ha, just kidding)

14b- (correct answer) Brought the calves' mothers to lead them.

James B. Martino of the Seventy
15c- "What a pitcher!"

Gregory A. Schwitzer of the Seventy
16a-Martha was the one who met Jesus and said, "If thou had been here, my brother would not have died” John 11.

17d- the husband loved the wife very much.

Elder Neil L. Anderson, Quorum of the Twelve

18b- Bill was killed in a car wreck.

How many did you get correct?

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