Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rabbit Pie

I am very frustrated, I finally found my sprouter, located the can of alfalfa seeds from my food storage, and attempted to grow alfalfa sprouts for my first time. But I soaked them on Thursday, poured water on them and drained them 4 times a day, and by today they still hadn't sprouted at all. I guess my whole can of alfalfa seeds is dead. Surely they were supposed to sprout by now. So I just emptied the unsprouted sprouts into the trash. I guess I'll try one more time and then throw away the whole can.

Elder LeGrand Richards used to tell the story of a man who sold rabbit pies. He had a significant business and produced a large number of pies.

At some point people became suspicious that the pies included horse meat. A false advertising charge was made.

He initially denied that the pies contained horse meat, but upon questioning admitted that "yes, there was a little horse meat."

Upon further interrogation he finally asknowledged that the pies were half horse and half rabbit. When asked what he meant by half horse and half rabbit, he said one horse and one rabbit.

Some of us want faith to be at the center of our lives, but it does not get our full attention. It is the rabbit portion of the pie.

(I cut this out of a BYU Alumni magazine, but don't know the publication date.)

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